
Use cases

In addition to features as in web UI interfaces, MSafe support developers as a developer tool to decentralize the risk in protocol management. There are two major use cases:

Deploy a smart contract with MSafe.

  1. Deploy a smart contract with interactive CLI.

  2. (Recommended) Through a script calling MSafe SDK.

Call an entry function with MSafe.

  1. Call an entry function with interactive CLI.

  2. (Recommended) Through a script calling MSafe SDK.


  1. MSafe Backend: The backbone of MSafe. The backend of MSafe uses a combination of MOVE module and Aptos native multi-ed25519 multi-sig to implement the multi-signature wallet.

  2. SDK: The typescript SDK to interact with MSafe wallet. SDK is used by MSafe web application and MSafe CLI tool. SDK can also be used for external third-party integrations.

  3. Web App MSafe: The Web application interface to interact with MSafe.

  4. CLI MSafe: The CLI interactive tool to interact with MSafe. Supports MOVE module deployment and smart contract interactions.

  5. DAPP SDK (For dApp integration): DAPP SDK that allow third party DAPP to interact with MSafe wallets.

Last updated