Transfer Coin
APT coin can be stored or transferred from MSafe.
If you haven't created a MSafe yet, follow Create a MSafe Wallet for a new Safe.
Receive APT coin
To receive APT coin from other accounts, you can simply send some APT token to the multi-sig wallet from another account.
If you are on Testnet / Devnet, you will also be able to obtain some test tokens from faucet. Use
Send APT
To send APT from a MSafe wallet, select n) New Transaction
to initiate a new transaction.
Input any transaction arguments as prompt:
After confirmed with the transaction details, the transaction request is submit to blockchain.
To approve the transaction from other owners, either confirm the transaction in CLI or Web APP.
Coin Register
You need to register at a coin resource to receive some specific coin type. To register a coin for a MSafe wallet, first select n) New transaction
and 3) Register COIN
to initiate and submit the register transaction.
Confirm on other owner accounts to approve the coin register transaction.
Send a specific coin type
Select 2) Transfer COIN
to initiate the custom coin transfer transaction. Input the full path of the coin when CLI prompts for the coin type.
Last updated