Entry Function
If you haven't created a MSafe wallet, please follow the instruction Create a MSafe Wallet to create a new MSafe wallet.
You can call any MOVE entry function with MSafe. Other than Transfer Coin and Smart Contract | Module Publish, popular use cases are:
Protocol parameter change;
Emergency control;
Interact with any MOVE module.
Initiate a call to an entry function
Select a created MSafe account, and select n) New transaction
to initiate a new transaction. Select 4 to call a module function.
Select module
Then the terminal will prompt arguments for which module to interact with:
Here we simply use the message module in Aptos move example. The move src file is also included in the CLI-MSafe repository, and under ./tests/move
Select entry function
After inputing the published module name, the MSafe CLI will fetch ABI data from blockchain, and display public entry functions:
In this case, there is only one public entry function set_message
from the module ABI. Select the function, and input the parameters which is the input to the function.
Note at this stage, calling an entry function only allows limited type of arguments, including:
u128, u64, u32, u16, u8
We will support more types shortly.
Input type arguments
First input the number of type arguments. In this case, we do not have type arguments inputs with the entry function signature. Thus, input 0 for Number Type Arguments
For other functions that take type arguments as input, input the number of arguments and fill in the full name of the argument (E.g. 0x1::coin::CoinInfo
Input function arguments
The ABI contains function argument types. Follow the instructions to input all parameters:
Note that the signer object is automatically filled in since it cannot be parsed in but through signature verification in MOVE vm.
Confirm and submit
Confirm with transaction details, and submit on chain
Confirm for other owners
For other owners, confirm and execute the transaction either on CLI or web application.
Last updated