You may specify the allowed origin URL your dApp connects to. By default, MSafe allows the application to connect to endpoints deployed by MSafe. For example,
const wallets = [
// Allow app connect to endpoints deployed by MSafe, including
new MSafeWalletAdapter();
// connecting to msafe mainnet ``
new MSafeWalletAdapter(''),
// connecting to a custom msafe url, e.g. ${MY_CUSTOM_MSAFE_URL}
new MSafeWalletAdapter(`${MY_CUSTOM_MSAFE_URL}`)
Origin Allowlist
MSafe enforces an origin check to ensure that any transaction requests initiated by dApp is passed on to a pre-defined allowed origin URL. The origin check is to prevent the potential phishing attacks launched from any unauthorized third-party.
MSafe will maintain a default list of allowed endpoints deployed by MSafe in MSafe-wallet repository. If no additional arguments is provided, the default list will be used. The current default allowlist is:
In the current implementation, `signAndSubmitTransaction`call is expected to never resolve. This is because when a transaction is initiated, MSafe is actually submitting a transaction to initiate a transaction proposal. It will require other owner's approval until the specific transaction can be executed by the MSafe wallet.
Thus upon a transaction proposal being successfully submitted, the application page will be closed, and the user is redirected to transaction queue page waiting for confirmation from other owners.
import { useWallet } from"@aptos-labs/wallet-adapter-react";import { MSafeWalletName } from"@msafe/aptos-wallet-adapter";constWalletName= MsafeWalletName;exportfunctionDAPP() {const {connect,signAndSubmitTransaction, } =useWallet();return ( <> <buttononClick={()=>{connect(WalletName)}}> Connect </button> <buttononClick={()=>{constpayload= { type:"entry_function", function:"0x1::coin::transfer", type_arguments: ["0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin"], arguments: ["0x997b38d2127711011462bc42e788a537eae77806404769188f20d3dc46d72750",50] };// each field of option is optional.constoption= { sequence_number:"1", max_gas_amount:"4000", gas_unit_price:"100",// Unix timestamp, in seconds + 30 days expiration_timestamp_secs: (Math.floor( /1000) +30*24*3600).toString(), }signAndSubmitTransaction(payload, option); }}> SignAndSubmit </button> </> );}