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Once you complete Connect Wallet, you will come to the MSafe Welcome page.
You can click on Create an Account button in the center of the Welcome page or click on the "+" symbol on the left vertical navigation bar. A pop up window will show up to ask you give a name (required) and a description (optional) of this new account.
Add co-managers by selecting from the addresses saved in the Address Book
Next is to assign threshold - minimum number of votes out of total possible votes required to approve or reject a transaction.
You can also use the Advanced Permission Control Mode by turning it on that allows you to assign different weights to different co-managers.
By default, one co-manager's signature is one vote. In the Advanced Mode, you can assign multiple votes to one co-manager. As you assign weighted voting power to a co-manager, the total number of possible votes displayed in the threshold also adjusts accordingly.
Then click on Next, the pop up will show your desired co-manager selection, weight assignment (if any), threshold, along with a warning message if co-managers have different weights. If one co-manager's weighted voting power is equal to or greater than threshold, this co-manager can approve or reject a transaction without waiting for other co-managers to take actions.
Double check co-managers & threshold, read the Terms & Services, then click on Create Account
As the creator or the proposer of this new account, by default, you're the first to approve, hence your wallet pops up asks you to approve. Once you approve it, your account is created.
Upon your approval, you will see the Congratulations page with your new account name and address at the top of the navigation bar
Now co-managers need to accept your invitation to agree to be co-signers of this account.
Highly recommend that you wait for co-managers to accept invitations. before depositing assets. Depositing does not require co-manager's approval but sending (withdrawing) requires co-managers' consent.