Co-Manager(s) Actions
Below shows co-manager's actions. Co-manager needs to sign in by connecting wallet.
The co-manager sees a pending transaction in the queue. The co-manager clicks on the "Approve" button. Co-managers do not pay gas fees whether they approve or reject the transaction.
A popup shows the number of votes submitted by the co-manager as well as the threshold required to approve the transaction. In this case, the co-manager has weighted voting power of 2; hence, it shows the co-manager's signature is equivalent to 2 votes, which meets the threshold set for this account.
After the co-manager approves, Transaction Queue gets updated and shows that the threshold of 2 is met. The co-manager needs to complete the process by clicking on the "Execute Approval" button.
Upon completion, Transaction History displays the completed transaction.
Transaction Queue now shows clear, since the pending transaction is executed. Note, transactions are executed in sequential order. Co-managers need to take actions on pending transactions sequentially, in order for the latest pending transaction to get executed.
You can also view the completed transaction on the Sui Explorer.
Last updated