☑️Create a Maven Account

Quick Video Tutorial

Key Steps

Click to Add

Click on the "+" on the left vertical navigation bar to create a Maven account.

Add Account Info

Add Co-Manager(s)

Because you already entered the long wallet address of your co-managers using the Address book, now you only need to type in their nicknames.

Set Threshold

Set the minimum number of signatures required to approve transactions. The left number is the threadhold, the right number is the total number of co-managers you added (including yourself).

Confirm Co-Managers & Threshold

Co-Manager(s) Need to Approve Account Creation

Your co-managers need to connect their single-sign wallet using the Maven Web App first, so they can see approval request from you.

If your co-managers are online, they may see their single-sign wallet pop up for their signature.

If your co-managers are offline, they can click on "Pending Invitation" in the Maven Web App to see approval requests.

Account Creation Confirmation

  1. See your Maven account ID

  2. View on explorer

  3. Deposit assets get started

Last updated